Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for helping us to feel thy Holy Spirit that we maybe uplifted daily.  Thank you for the whispering guidance that reminds of all thy teaching for thy Holy Ghost helps us into achieving all good things.  I feel the joy in my heart and enlightenment of understanding as I read of thy holy words.  I am settled into peaceful feeling of mind and body and contentment in my being when I partake of thy word.  I read of thy words and meditate on them for more understanding each day for I feel the warmth of thy Holy Spirit in my heart that grants me rest for my weary soul.  I love to commune with thy spirit for thou art my refuge and hiding place that I maybe renewed in thy strength to persevere in doing good unto others.  Thy word grants me wisdom to discern my steps and grants me understanding of heavenly conduct that I may know how to love others as I love myself.  Thou teaches me wisdom and understanding in things of the world and in things of heaven for thou loves' to show me the ways to be blessed of thy hand.  Thou loves me as thine own for I am made by thy hand and thy word instructs my heart to follow in thy Savior's steps that I can once again bask in thy protection  and thy deliverance.  Thou has erased my memory of thee but my heart recognizes thy spirit and thy words to be true for I was with thee before this time of probation on earth.  I am determined to obeying thy words for I long to be delivered into thy paradise for all eternity.  I know of my Father's business for I am His and He is my all in all for I cannot attain any good thing unless thou wills it in me.  My sorrows are comforted when I cling to thy words and grants me deliverance from many distraction that come my way tempting me to forsake thee and my duty unto thee.  Thy prophets are my help for thou has brought them up in likeness of thy spirit full of mercy, love, and good works.  I love thee Heavenly Father for helping me to endure this life with power of thy word and blessings of thy chosen people.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for although changes are constant in our lives, thy holy teachings, promises, and blessing accompany us to sustain our hearts and give us hope for greater things in eternal life.  Thy ways do not change for thou art firm and steadfast in thy power and in love for thy people. Thy holy words stand as truth now and for all eternity for by thy word all things were established and by thy truth thou will reign over every soul with justice and mercy.  Thy daily mercy assures us of thy love for us and help us to see the goodness in this world. Thy words tells us that our spirit came from thee, that our purpose in this life is to practice obeying thy word, and we were given free will to choose following in steps of Jesus Christ to be back in thy presence.  Thou has taught us to be mindful of thy words always for it will disperse all evil thoughts and allow Holy Spirit to guide us and remind us of word of wisdom we have read.  Thy word is our defense against all temptation and cause us to grow like unto thy holy spirit.  Thou has great plans to cause us to do great works for thy kingdom and for thy people for thou are able to accomplish all impossible goodness to come to pass in us in our humble state.  I trust in thy plans for my life to make me full of thy likeness in virtue and integrity and I will not murmur in thy correction for I am being made to be perfected.  This life is a test for us to practice being perfect in righteousness for every situation is an opportunity for us to resolve trials His way and perform by example of Jesus Christ.  I thank thee Heavenly Father for thou does not make us pass through this life in vain but for thy great purpose in working all things for good of all thy people.    
Thank you Heavenly Father for being our all powerful, all wise, and all knowing God of our spirit.  It comforts me that in all my imperfections of character and in my deeds, thou has set out a perfect plan to train our spirit into perfect beings some day.  Thy word is my constant companion for it is my guide and way to gaining eternal salvation in thee. My days are lacking in progress for I struggle in confidence in thee and I am discouraged by evident shortcomings in my abilities.  Yet when I obey they words again, thou causes me to prosper in flesh and rich in thy wisdom.  Help me to have faith in thee that is constant flow as thy waves and have faith in thy power to accomplish in me all that is impossible for me to accomplish.  The things I learn escapes me swiftly and much things of the world does not make sense to my understanding.  I am not wise even in caring for my own children therefore, I am faithful to dedicate them in thy care.  Even when I have given my all, I have feared for their soul and searched thy word for all wisdom and understanding to teach my children in thy ways. The working temptations of Satan works in hearts of my children to disobey and rebel against thy commandments.  I need thee to cause thy little ones to obey thy word for they are not ready to humble to thy spirit and easily thwarted by temptations of the flesh.  Heavenly Father please receive my children in thy daily care for it is impossible for me to accomplish anything wonderful with out thy help.  I dedicate their soul and their lives unto thee that they will come unto thee and that their hearts will take root in thy word that all may go well with them here and in eternity.