Monday, December 29, 2014

Mathew 24;Joseph Smith-M1 states, "At the beginning of Millennial Era, Christ will return unto the earth.  This event will mark the end of the mortal probation of this earth.  The wicked will be removed from the earth and the righteous will be caught up in a cloud while the earth is cleansed.  While no man knows exactly when Christ will come for the second time, He has given us signs to watch for that indicate the time is drawing near."
Mosiah 16:5 states,"But remember that he that persists in his own carnal nature, and goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion against God, remaineth in his fallen state and the devil hath all power over him.  Therefore he is as though there was no redemption made, being an enemy to God; and also is the devil an enemy to God."  Verse 9 states, "Christ is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
This mortal life is period of probation for we are in fallen state away from Heavenly Father but, we can believe on teachings of Jesus Christ and reap good works for reward of eternal life and judgement     of unending happiness.  Because Christ has paid for our sins, we can repent often and be cleansed of our sins and start over in obeying His commandments.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Jesus Christ was born on earth to redeem all of God's people unto Himself by showing us how we should live as He had lived on earth in flesh body and dying on the cross for our sins. We are to live the life of service, life of studying scriptures, and life of prayer as He had done. In present time we also have blessing of living prophet appointed by Heavenly Father to guide us in these end times.  This will lead us safely home to presence of Heavenly Father where we can live eternally with Him and our families.
Mosiah 15:2-3 says of Jesus Christ, " and because He dwelleth in flesh He shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son.
The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; thus becoming the Father and Son."
Our Lord Jesus Christ came from heaven to fulfill His purpose of redeeming His people through faithfulness and obedience even unto death.  We too can endure to the end with help of His teachings and guidance of His chosen people so that we can fulfill our purpose in walking the path that leads to Heavenly Father's presence, the greatest gift our hearts will ever receive.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The greatest gift of all is eternal life in state of unending happiness.  To obtain this we must sacrifice ourselves to acquiring faith upon the word of God and Jesus Christ by obedience.  Jesus Christ has paid the price of our past, present, and future sins and we can claim the right to forgiveness if we repent and turn from our evil ways.  Our Savior had suffered through much opposition, afflictions, and sufferings in body, mind, and in spirit but He endured to the end remaining perfect in heart and in deed to fulfill His purpose on earth to die as a perfect offering unto Heavenly Father.  We too can persevere to obey Him and to do good despite opposition of evil influence around us to fulfill our purpose.  We will fall in our mistakes and in our weaknesses but our sincere repentance will make us be right with our Heavenly Father and we can continue to progress in  spirit with clear conscious.  Our Father's power to intercede and help in our trials will sustain us no matter how much we suffer in this world.  This life is short but eternal life is long so keep your eyes on the prize of heavenly rewards and bear all things with grace just as our Savior has done.  He is our model, our teacher, our guide to reaching our eternal goal of everlasting happiness.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

In Mosiah 13 prophet Abinadi told the people of the sins that they have committed so that it will pierce their hearts and they will turn away from evil.  But the people were " filled with wonder and amazement and with anger" because they hardened their hearts knowing their secret works were revealed.  It is common mistake that when we are found guilty of our wrongs, we sometimes react feeling troubled and upset but it is the plan of God that we turn away from all evil works so that we are not condemned to feel this way on judgement day.  Abinadi also declared that salvation does not come by the law alone but also by atonement of Jesus Christ to take away the sins of His people in verse 8.  The prophet also said the people are quick to sin and slow to remember the Lord their God and that they did not all understand the law after it has been taught and this because of the hardness of their hearts.  Our Heavenly Father knows our thoughts and our intentions so when we ask in sincerity for His forgiveness and a new heart to obey His words, He will answer our prayers as we daily and sincerely seek Him for help.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Isaiah 29:11 states, " and the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed , which men deliver to one that is learned , saying, read this, I pray thee:and he saith, it is sealed: and the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying read this I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."
Joseph Smith was given power of God at age of 21to translate golden plates of writings which later became published as the Book of Mormon.
2 Nephi 33:10 states " and if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ,...and they teach all men that they should do good."
Moroni 10:4 states, " and when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Much is feared in disobeying Heavenly Father for if we persist on grieving his spirit with our sin, He will cause sore affliction, famine, pestilence, and heavy burdens that hurts us to the core and to our family.  Heavenly Father and atonement of Jesus Christ is our only source of redeeming love and all happiness in this life and in the next.  Our very life, peace, and joy depends on blessings we acquire by obedience unto wisdom and truth of His ever guiding words in His book.  The welfare of those we care for are blessed in our blessings and snare in our cursings.  All can be lost to us in love of our family, our possessions, all that is pure, and well being of our soul in eternity.  Yet by atonement of Jesus Christ we can choose the path back to Heavenly Father at any given time that we choose to repent and be made clean and whole before Him.  We are eternal beings made by our Eternal Father and we have the freedom to choose in our hearts to overcome our momentary troubles and our weaknesses with righteousness and reap eternal blessings on the judgement day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our Heavenly Father has said in Mosiah 11:23, " Except this people repent and turn unto The Lord their God, they shall be brought into bondage; and none shall deliver them, except it be The Lord the Almighty God."  When we don't heed to Christ's words in the way we should learn, live, and be, our natural body and mind attempts to seek fulfillment in things of the world causing us to become slaves to addictions, self pride and become bondage to people who wants to bring our spirits down along with them.  Our Heavenly Father is slow to anger and is very patient in us attaining spiritual progress, yet when we continually deny His words by disobeying Him, we are left without protective guard against satan's influence and merciful blessings in our daily lives.  We can return to Him at any moment that we choose to obey His word and be forgiven of all our sins with repentant heart.
In the strength of the Lord people of Zeniff  was able to kill 3,043 Lamanites in one day and one night in chapter nine of Mosiah.  Heavenly Father has heard the prayers of His people who cried mightily to deliver them from their enemy.  I am grateful that our Father answers prayers of His people who sincerely and fervently seek Him for help and is merciful to deliver them into liberty.  Our God is faithful unto all those who turn their hearts back to Him in repentance, forsaking their sins, and become obedient to His words.  Heavenly Father's love and His ways are same as in ancient times, today, and forever therefore we can count on Him for deliverance, wisdom, and revelation in our dealings on earth to help us into all truth and righteousness.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Moroni chapter 8:25-26 of Book of Mormon states " and the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins; and the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God."
I am greatful for Heavenly Father's works in our hearts whereby upon our obedience unto Him, He will provide us conviction to help us be qualified to spiritually mature unto eventual perfection.  Our Almighty God is mindful of each of us and our weaknesses and longs for us to grow by obedience and receive eternal exaltation in likeness of Him.  This exaltation in words of prophet Spencer Kimbal, "can only be earned by our works such as paying tithing, living the word of wisdom, having family prayers, fasting, attending meetings, serving..." Prophet Kimbal continued to say, " He must receive the ordinances, and he must be faithful, overcoming his weaknesses."  I am greatful for our latter day prophets who speak revelations from God to gather and direct all people unto Heavenly Father's  fold and into His rest.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Iniquities of our hearts and deeds leads to bondage of all forms in our daily lives.  We may proudly and easily claim to act and talk as we deem fit in how we offend others, but consequences to sin is grievous and wearing of heart. I used to think that Christ's yoke is hard for me because it's so hard to be good to those who hurt me but then I realize my trials brought on by disobedience on my part is far more miserable than if I had simply humbled myself despite anger and sadness and gave into Heavenly Father's will.  When I am walking though fire, I feel Heavenly Father has forsaken me but then I observe how my daily life is still blessing me with pleasures, home, and provisions and I tell myself that this is only a trial and I will be happy again just as how I came through all the other trials with each mercy I have been given in Father's due time.  It seems impossible for me to rejoice in Him when my pain is so deep and prolonging, but when I think of my daily routine I remembered I have been given moments and hours when I don't feel the sting of heartbreak but given rest in spirit upon pondering His holy words.  I will endure in doing good for eternity is my reward in presence of my all powerful and loving king of heaven and earth.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Heavenly Father has raised up a wise king Benjamin in Book of Mormon to rule over His people, and as the king obeyed His words the whole nation was blessed of God.  I am grateful for all of Heavenly Father's obedient people on earth that I can be blessed by their kind words and share in the wisdom and understanding of His ways to lead and encourage me.  I am thankful for the kind service they render me for they are faithful in their commitment in following Jesus Christ.  I am wholeheartedly grateful that Heavenly Father has provided us with a latter day prophet Thomas S. Monson to lead God's people in righteous path in these end times.  Heavenly Father's love for us is same as in ancient times and He grants spirit of revelation upon His chosen leaders to help and gather all souls unto Himself.  He desires that all will come into His fold and gain eternal life and I am eternally grateful that His love endures forever.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In the name of Jesus Christ we can repent of our sins and covenant with God to keep all of His words and be saved into eternal life with Heavenly Father.  We can be delivered from never ending torment that comes with following satan, instead by gift of free will that we all possess, we can choose the infinite goodness of God and gift of His Holy Spirit to lead us in all righteous paths.  By seeking in prayer for our hearts to be changed and be humbled, we can become righteous for our Heavenly Father is our spiritual Father who holds all power and mercy to bestow blessings and grant answered prayers.  In faithfully persevering in repentance and obedience, we will be given renewed heart where we can become perfected in mind and spirit like unto our glorious Heavenly Father in heaven.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I am thankful for Heavenly Father's truth in His words for the more I learn of Him the more I know of myself and the more I love Heavenly Father.  I am strong in my mindset and carrying on in my weakness and pride but in reading of His holy words, I am given desire to be righteous and take joy in following Him.  He causes me to be blessed in doing good and changes my heart to be merciful unto others.  The sacrifice of righteous works satisfies my soul and I am content in my purpose for living in this mortal body.  I feast on His words like I feed my body with nourishment and I am sustained into another day.  Many a times I have hardened my heart against doing good to all people for their words are harsh towards me but thy spirit convicts my heart and places in me desires to bless thy people.  I am naturally wicked in my thoughts for evil judgements come upon me without effort.  But thy words nurtures me gently and patiently that even my thoughts are filled with remembrance of thy words and thy promises.  By thy words thou has created all things in heaven and earth and now thy word has caused me to be moved to do good works like unto thy begotten son Jesus Christ that we too can receive thy mighty rewards in thy kingdom.

Monday, September 29, 2014

I am grateful for the divine love Heavenly Father has for His children imparting eternal life to those who are ignorant and infants and children in their death.  He gives every benefit unto his children that He may gather them unto Himself now and for all eternity.  All that comes to pass in goodness and in trials in our daily life should be lived in submission to Heavenly Father's purpose and in faith that He is in control of our lives no matter how much we suffer.  Our obedience unto Him even in suffering may feel that He has forsaken us but in doing so we are proving our faith in Him and blessings will flow after we have proved our faith.  He is our all in all for Heavenly Father will restore all good things unto us and heal every heart if we persevere to the end.  Our eternal happiness and our hearts greatest desire lies in power and grace of our Heavenly Father and upon our efforts in repentance and obedience.  I will rejoice in His name for only He is worthy of my sacrifice in righteous works and I have an eternal gratitude for His divine love for me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

King Benjamin in Book of Mormon has declared much wisdom on our eternal indebtedness unto our Heavenly Father for all that we have and for all that we are. We are like unto babes sustained by every breath and every provision He grants us and added blessings upon those who obey His words.  Our daily life and daily pleasures are His gifts to us and He has offered to care for us and give us joy in His eternal kingdom upon our obedience to His words now.  This is such a wonderful news for our reward is eternal. I am grateful that our almighty God is generous and merciful who loves us with eternal love and able to provide for all our needs and desires of our hearts.  I am indebted to my Heavenly Father now and forever for my needs are great and it pleases Him to bless all His children who follow Him diligently and with humbleness of heart.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I am grateful that Heavenly Father is gathering His people with fullness of gospel in Book of Mormon that we can now enjoy the eternal truth of where we came from, our purpose on this earth, and our destiny in eternal world.  We are given knowledge into depth and height of our Heavenly Father's power and exaltation in heaven and earth from all those who testified of witnessing His miracles who has stood faithful unto His words and revelation.  I am grateful that His saints did not give into suffering and lose their faith but endured to the end in keeping the truth from generation to generation that we can now benefit from their perseverance.  It's wonderful that even in our weakness and shortcomings, Heavenly Father is able to bring up great servants unto Himself to make us worthy to perform His kingdom's work in His temple on this earth.  We have been restored of the fullness of gospel in the Book of Mormon testifying of Christ's work in ancient times that we can now receive full understanding of the bible through it's testimony.  Our God is abundantly merciful to grant us knowledge and truth in these end times to nurture our hearts that we may become sanctified to receive eternal reward in His kingdom.  It is wonderful that our Heavenly Father's plan and all His works are for the good of all His children who daily strives to be perfected by Him.  I am eternally grateful that we serve a holy and all powerful king.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The word of God brings about peace to contentious and hardened hearts that no matter what violence or threat surrounds us we have Heavenly Father's doctrine for our refuge.  My heart and soul is content and satisfied being fed of love and power of Almighty God's spiritual truth that I can go forth sustained and nourished to do righteous work another day.  I feel like a wounded soul at times from hurt and rejection from this world and depleted of all my confidence and value of my soul.  Then I am brought to mourn on the floor for supplication of thy Holy Ghost upon my heart that I can be filled once again of thy spiritual strength to conquer all temporal afflictions.  I am faithful to daily partake of thy food for my life and my self worth is renewed by heavenly provision that helps me to persevere in this temporal body.  I am beggar of Heavenly Father's daily help and blessings for my needs are great for I become weary of merciless deeds of this world.  My God in heaven is source of all my needs and He sustains me to dwell in goodness and peace all the days of my life.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Heavenly Father's commandments and ordinances paves way for all blessings for all of His children through all generations of time.  All work of human hands and all knowledge and abilities are as nothing compare to our Heavenly Father for He has created our being and all that is in heaven and earth.  I am grateful that our all powerful God is just and loving Father who is merciful and compassionate unto those who do His will forgiving them upon repentance for their daily sins that we are not accountable on the judgement day.  I am thankful that I don't have to be in control of my life, my destiny, and my family because when I entrust it in His care, all things go well with them and I am blessed from all sides.  I am destined to live with Heavenly Father in His kingdom through the atonement of Jesus Christ for all I have to do is to obey Him in His teachings for that is the way to be with Him for all eternity.  Such knowledge in times of trial is comfort and peace upon my soul for I am reminded of my Heavenly Father's eternal plan for me if I persevere in obeying Him.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How great thou art Father in heaven for through thy word all comes to pass in submission to thy command.  Many of thy beloved souls contend against thy Holy Spirit choosing to be careless and reject thy great light in our hearts.  We know not what great torment we will suffer in living away from thy presence in eternity for we are preoccupied in cares of this world and not of thy kingdom come.  Because of long hardships in this life we choose to cling to all the comforts of this world and never seek the  revelation of truth from thee for ourselves.  Many of us are idle in growing in thy spirit refusing to be nurtured by thy word and to be changed by it.  But even in that thou are to be greatly praised for we are daily sustained in thy goodness and blessings from thy hand.  Upon repentance and seeking of thy words our fallen ways are saved by thy uplifting salvation that's available to us all, all our days on this earth.  In the moment of repentance unto thee we are given new beginnings and our sins are wiped clean.  Thy open arms are out stretched to receive us back unto thy guidance for Thou are mindful of us every hour and desires to receive us back.  At times I have hardened my heart against thy warnings and thy councils in thy book and lived many years void of happiness.  But even now I can praise thy greatness for thy work in us for our weak state are not hopeless for thy love for us diminish not with time.  Each trial and each suffering in choosing to persevere in righteous path are for growth of our spirit and each day is a new day for us to start anew in seeking Thy blessings in our life again.  My sincere prayers bring about thy mercy to reign upon my heart and upon my children and I will give thee praise upon my rising and retiring of each day.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for this miraculous day of answered prayer. Through my trial thou has taught me to depend on thy deliverance and thy help each hour of each day.  I have talked to thee all the day long as I walk, as I eat, and as I sit for my troubles are many and I have brought the cares of this world upon thy feet.  I pleaded for thy help, thy intervention, and thy will to be done unto me. Thou knows that I am weak in mind and spirit and I cannot not accomplish any good thing unless thou causes me to be qualified to perform it.  I am ignorant in things of this world yet I am confident in thy power to perform all righteousness in me and through me to bless thy people.  My love for Heavenly Father grows each day for thou art my constant companion and I take refuge in thy word daily.  I converse with thee in my mind and good thoughts come upon me to guide me and to reveal unto me the ways to lighten my yoke and my path is made smooth.  Thou art my light in all darkness in this world, understanding in confusion, and truth in lying tongues.  Thou art my joy upon thinking on thee and at the truth that I am child of the Almighty and Eternal God of heaven and earth.  My thoughts are full of thy promises upon thy servants and fullness of joy that awaits me in thy kingdom.  My eyes are on the goal of obeying thy word performing my duty unto thee for thy word have captured my love and my soul.  My hands are raised unto thee in praise, worship, and thanksgiving for I am beggar of thy provision and thy riches. My feet are directed to walk in example of thy teaching and thy righteous works.  My mind is consumed with trying of mind and body not to sin against thee.  I long to be one with thee Heavenly Father in agreement to all thy ways and I will glorify thee with my life and my works during this earthly probation that I may enter into thy kingdom according to thy mercy and thy grace.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for this blessed day.  Even as I endure these trials I am given rest from my sorrows that I have dug for myself. Much troubles I have faced in my freedom of choice and I have inflicted much pain with the same gift.  I have stumbled all my life yet I have been granted ten years of peace and joy in my children.  I have been shown great blessings yet I did not recognize the fullness of Heavenly Fathers blessings at the time therefore,  I did not partake in all that I have been given.  I look back and I wished I had loved more no matter the adversity I was facing.  And now in my current trials I tell myself to love more still even when I am being hated and it's so hard to do the right when my heart feels hate too.  My fear of consequence of being chastised by Heavenly Father caused me to choose the right and surrender my will and directing of my heart unto God.  I am saddened even when I obey His voice but soon I am clear in my conscious and I know the end result will be mercy and not misery.  I will not do what I desire and do what is required of me from my heavenly judge.  I've tried living life by my understanding and my wisdom.  And it was unbearable heartache and weariness I have endured.  Therefore my Father in heaven is my guiding path to living this mortal life and happiness ever since.  I have given my life worshiping Him and I have been given rest in my trials and deliverance through supplication and restored of joy in my children and in His daily guidance.  I am of my Father for in Him I feel love and peace as I partake of His words unto my soul.  I love Him and this I am sure with all of my heart and all of my being.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

My life has taught me to survive much pain by not to giving up on what is good.  I feel like giving up but then the kind words and invitations to do good by others carries me to another day. I am in so much pain that all I can see and prefer to to see is what brings me down.  It's easier and increasingly confirming to give into what I hear the most.  I tend to believe what is not true because I have habit of dismissing what my heart says and convince myself into decisions that is not of me.  Much of what I tell myself is not of me nor true of who I am.  I know my heart but I cannot stand up to defend it for I lack confidence in my truth.  I come to my resting place of scripture reading and prayers and think on what I have been dealt and practice speaking what is in my heart.  I consider the consequences of my words and other's habitual reactions and I conclude that it is alright for others to oppose for it is well worth practicing to be courageous.  I long to speak my mind and yet I judge myself harshly when I have been wrong that feel hesitant to voicing my words again.  I see that this is my weakness for then it also causes me to judge others harshly in my heart.  I have resolved to listen and speak when I can be of help and when being asked.  When I am wrong I tell myself I am deserving of  same mercy Jesus Christ has shown unto others for I am remorseful and repentant.  I assure myself with kind words and forgiveness and practice saying I can be just as wrong as others and I love myself for truly trying and doing better for what I know to be true and good.  I am not afraid to try because I am not as afraid to make mistake or be wrong for now I encourage myself to be better as easily as I encourage others around me.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Father in heaven, please help me to give all good that I have been given.
Help me to embrace all those that I have judged.
Help me to share what I have enjoyed the most in my life.
Help me to be servant of all those whom I thought was lower than me.
Help me to be taught by those who have been touched by you.
Help me to be changed by the lessons I have learned in thy word.
Help my heart to take in all those that you would grant mercy.
Help my ways and habits that is stumbling block to your glory.
Help my perception in seeing the beauty in thy people inside and out.
Help my preconcieved idea of who is thy chosen.
Help my thoughts be humble enough to be thy servant.
Help my fear that I do not back down from answering to unbelievers of thy abiding love and mighty power.
Help my stubborness that I may grow spiritually in likness of Jesus Christ.
Help my doubts that my faith in thy desire to uplift me and thy ability to help me is constant as fulfillment of all thy words.
Help my weaknesses so that I know it is thy hand that has helped me through this life.
Help my being that I may accomplish my purpose of living as a true child of Heavenly Father being pure and virtuous in all things.
Above all, please help my tongue that thou may be praised and revered all the days of my life that I may dwell in thy kingdom for all eternity.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for these many days of pleasantness and goodness in my life.  There is calmness in thy leading and wherever thou causes me to go or do, it is accomplished smoothly and assuredly.  Thou hears my sincere prayers and grants me thoughts and understandings to come upon me to bless my path in this mortal life.  Thou also blesses my heart and my day through works of thy people who render their help and comfort me in my distress.  Thy saints are my true friends who are forgiving and gentle in their correction.  Thy chosen leaders in thy church guides and inspires me to follow the light, truth, and wisdom of Jesus Christ.  We are often forewarned of dark works of satan and his followers on earth and all works that causes us to compromise our soul for gain of false friendship, riches, power, and pleasure.  My heart and soul are bound unto thee for I have chosen the path of Savior and I am faithful to partake of thy word daily that I do not fall away from thy presence and be bound to follow satan unto hell.  Thy word guides me and teaches me how to be blessed by thy almighty hand and thy saints are my family in Christ who helps and comforts me in my trials.  My soul is secure by faith in thy promises and I am content in this mortal afflictions for I know with all assurance that I am heaven bound.  And with this knowledge I can be confident of my rewards and I am driven to overcome my weaknesses by rendering all my cares upon my eternal Father in heaven.  As long as I have my breath I will trust Him to bring me up to be worthy of praising His name and to dwell in His presence forever and ever for my goal is ever toward thee and thy glory.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for helping us to feel thy Holy Spirit that we maybe uplifted daily.  Thank you for the whispering guidance that reminds of all thy teaching for thy Holy Ghost helps us into achieving all good things.  I feel the joy in my heart and enlightenment of understanding as I read of thy holy words.  I am settled into peaceful feeling of mind and body and contentment in my being when I partake of thy word.  I read of thy words and meditate on them for more understanding each day for I feel the warmth of thy Holy Spirit in my heart that grants me rest for my weary soul.  I love to commune with thy spirit for thou art my refuge and hiding place that I maybe renewed in thy strength to persevere in doing good unto others.  Thy word grants me wisdom to discern my steps and grants me understanding of heavenly conduct that I may know how to love others as I love myself.  Thou teaches me wisdom and understanding in things of the world and in things of heaven for thou loves' to show me the ways to be blessed of thy hand.  Thou loves me as thine own for I am made by thy hand and thy word instructs my heart to follow in thy Savior's steps that I can once again bask in thy protection  and thy deliverance.  Thou has erased my memory of thee but my heart recognizes thy spirit and thy words to be true for I was with thee before this time of probation on earth.  I am determined to obeying thy words for I long to be delivered into thy paradise for all eternity.  I know of my Father's business for I am His and He is my all in all for I cannot attain any good thing unless thou wills it in me.  My sorrows are comforted when I cling to thy words and grants me deliverance from many distraction that come my way tempting me to forsake thee and my duty unto thee.  Thy prophets are my help for thou has brought them up in likeness of thy spirit full of mercy, love, and good works.  I love thee Heavenly Father for helping me to endure this life with power of thy word and blessings of thy chosen people.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for although changes are constant in our lives, thy holy teachings, promises, and blessing accompany us to sustain our hearts and give us hope for greater things in eternal life.  Thy ways do not change for thou art firm and steadfast in thy power and in love for thy people. Thy holy words stand as truth now and for all eternity for by thy word all things were established and by thy truth thou will reign over every soul with justice and mercy.  Thy daily mercy assures us of thy love for us and help us to see the goodness in this world. Thy words tells us that our spirit came from thee, that our purpose in this life is to practice obeying thy word, and we were given free will to choose following in steps of Jesus Christ to be back in thy presence.  Thou has taught us to be mindful of thy words always for it will disperse all evil thoughts and allow Holy Spirit to guide us and remind us of word of wisdom we have read.  Thy word is our defense against all temptation and cause us to grow like unto thy holy spirit.  Thou has great plans to cause us to do great works for thy kingdom and for thy people for thou are able to accomplish all impossible goodness to come to pass in us in our humble state.  I trust in thy plans for my life to make me full of thy likeness in virtue and integrity and I will not murmur in thy correction for I am being made to be perfected.  This life is a test for us to practice being perfect in righteousness for every situation is an opportunity for us to resolve trials His way and perform by example of Jesus Christ.  I thank thee Heavenly Father for thou does not make us pass through this life in vain but for thy great purpose in working all things for good of all thy people.    
Thank you Heavenly Father for being our all powerful, all wise, and all knowing God of our spirit.  It comforts me that in all my imperfections of character and in my deeds, thou has set out a perfect plan to train our spirit into perfect beings some day.  Thy word is my constant companion for it is my guide and way to gaining eternal salvation in thee. My days are lacking in progress for I struggle in confidence in thee and I am discouraged by evident shortcomings in my abilities.  Yet when I obey they words again, thou causes me to prosper in flesh and rich in thy wisdom.  Help me to have faith in thee that is constant flow as thy waves and have faith in thy power to accomplish in me all that is impossible for me to accomplish.  The things I learn escapes me swiftly and much things of the world does not make sense to my understanding.  I am not wise even in caring for my own children therefore, I am faithful to dedicate them in thy care.  Even when I have given my all, I have feared for their soul and searched thy word for all wisdom and understanding to teach my children in thy ways. The working temptations of Satan works in hearts of my children to disobey and rebel against thy commandments.  I need thee to cause thy little ones to obey thy word for they are not ready to humble to thy spirit and easily thwarted by temptations of the flesh.  Heavenly Father please receive my children in thy daily care for it is impossible for me to accomplish anything wonderful with out thy help.  I dedicate their soul and their lives unto thee that they will come unto thee and that their hearts will take root in thy word that all may go well with them here and in eternity.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for all that I have acquired in possession and all that I have gained in spiritual growth by thy hand.  My home is a wonderful place of refuge for thou has blessed it and thy word is a standard that we try to achieve and learn upon rising and laying down.  At times much time is passed in enjoyment of thy blessings that I have not sought thy work through out my days.  I am mindful of thy constant watch over me but pleasures of possessions has drawn me into momentary idleness and vain of heart.  My days were consumed with maintaining worldly goods that I have neglected to worship thee many mornings and nights.  I have allowed thy goodness to consume my heart and i became busy body dwelling in pleasure that I have neglected to observe thy commandment.  I have not pray unto thee for straight and narrow path into eternal life nor did I pray for those who are in need of thy salvation for their souls.  The devil has lead me carefully down to iniquity and I have allowed evil thoughts to sway me from my promise unto thee to be faithful in obedience till thy return.  In my deep remorse and shame I have come unto thee for forgiveness and to seek spirit of Holy Ghost to be within me once again and my heart sought thee sincerely and truthfully.  I went about doing good and looked forward to what's before me in serving thee and thy people.  My prayers and study of thy word has granted me renewed conviction and inspiration to follow thy son Jesus Christ.  As often as thou provides for every meal and every raiment, please sow in our hardened hearts true love for thy word and heart of a true servant.  My desire is to have thy heart and be able to know and understand thy people through thy merciful eyes.  My desire is to perform thy works with joy and provide true need and comfort unto thy people. Please help us to see the truth of thy light and as much as thou grants us sunshine and rain, grant us new heart that only seeks things of purity and virtue.  Grant us heart that can be disciplined and humbled to thy will Heavenly Father.  Help us be strengthened that our hope in thee cannot be wavered in midst of persecution and offenses.  As much as thou sustains our life, grant us heart to desire thy glory in our suffering and trials for only thou art worthy of our praise, thanksgiving, and sacrifice of our will.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for this day of peace in my heart and making me be right with my friends and family.  My unintentional offenses upon others causes me great affliction and I dwell in remorseful misery.  But words of self condemnation has parted from me due to answered prayer and now I am confident in my steps and in my ability in doing thy work.  I am confident to face challenges for thou has help me to not fear mistakes and failures but to persevere with hope of achieving goodness in the end someday. I will try all endeavors that is required of me with thy help and trust that thou will carry me through.  I will do my best in all that I must do for in trying, thy mercy will bring me up to where thy grace will keep me.  Much in life seems daunting but in meditation of thy words I am comforted by warmth swelling up in my soul assuring me that Holy Ghost is with me always.  I can find thee in every meditation of thy word, in my prayers unto thee, and in my thoughts of thy creation.  In my weakness, help me to remember my confidence in thee to help me up and not waiver in my obedience to thy  commandments.  Help me to never deter from my testimony of thy truth for it is my foundation of faith in thy Holy Spirit.  I count on thy almighty power to render me thy wisdom, understanding, and intelligence to achieving all goodness that thou would lead me to perform.  Please show me the way that I should go and be in all things and in all situations to fulfill thy work.  My great weaknesses require thy constant attention and my words are heavenward many times a day for thy intercession to be my strength and my guide.  Thank you for granting me the love of my family and for great atonement of Jesus Christ through whom i can live eternally with my family in thy rest.  My soul is at ease for thy eternal plan for us are already at work to perfect us some day in likeness of Jesus Christ.  Thy words guide us into path of righteousness to grant us goodly judgements on the last day.  Thank you Heavenly Father for gift of Jesus Christ for he has paid for our sins that upon repentance our offenses are forgiven by the payment of suffering He has paid long ago.  Our Lord Jesus Christ has made a way for us to acquire fullness of joy in eternity upon living life of obedience and repentance while in this mortal body.  With instruction of thy word  I am changed to mature in spirit for I am learning to be better and love deeper with every trial, mistakes,and pain in this life.  I love thee Heavenly Father for thou bring us up as babes, being patient in long suffering and merciful in thy blessings that brings us much joy and peace to this mortal body.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I love thee Heavenly Father for thou art holy and almighty Father who rule thy people with mercy and long suffering in our wayward ways.  All thy words brings us blessings for they teach us all the ways to receive goodness and prosperity thou has planned for each of thy children.  Thou has taught us that thou art our inheritance and if we persevere in being a good and faithful servants unto thee till the end, we will inherit thy goodness and live in thy presence for all eternity.  We are placed here on earth to prove to thee our love for thee who bestows everlasting love upon thy servants.  In this life I have committed myself to living according to thy will and obeying thy words that I may prove my love unto thee for a time and all eternity my love for thy Holy Spirit.  Thy love for me has touched my soul and caused me to dwell in refuge of thy blessed words.  Thou has come to my aid and now my heart is safe in reassurance of thy love for I now know that thou art love to whom I belong.  All that are good and lovely in my life are given unto me by thy will in heaven and my daily joys are credit unto thee for thou has blessed me.  I am determined to be faithful in doing the work of Jesus Christ for I will not waver in worshiping thee, the true and all powerful God of my being and all things of heaven and earth.  Thou are God of my daily life and in my effort to living by thy standard, thou has blessed my family with renewed love for oneanother .  My eyes are on thee and I kneel before thee early for I need thy help to be steadfast in performing my duty unto thee and to thy people.  My rewards are eternal and I will create and have joy under thy glorious reign over thy true people.  I think on thy wonder and all thy creation thou has not yet revealed unto us for I am full of anticipation and joy at thought of knowing fullness of joy. I am inspired by the wisdom and firmness of thy love for me each time I read of thy word.  Thy words helps me to persevere in all suffering and still hope in all goodness for I know in truth thou art faithful to keep thy promises and able to bring me up to be perfected someday.  I am being taught and guided by an almighty God and I can have confidence even in my failings that He will not forsake me.  I am bound for heaven where my eternal Father dwells for I am determined to seek thee daily in prayer of thanksgiving and to recieve thy heart for thy people.  I summit my will to doing thy will for this grants me all good and perfect gifts from thy hand.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for thou has helped me to accomplish much things in my day.  My days are filled with much to do list to meet  needs of others and to bring pleasantness unto myself . I am blessed each day for my well working body allows me to move about in comfort and to maneuver my belongings with strength.  I am joyful in my walk for I am confident in my ability to be self sufficient in much things.  All the goodness i received from thy hand and I have found mercy in thy care. Thou grants me wonderful revelations to bless others with my words and grants me understanding to meet true needs of all those around me.  I am given great pleasure and joy in doing thy work for that is also new blessing thou has given me.  At times I am conflicted in my trials feeling all efforts will come to nothing, but each day has shown me goodness comes to pass in trials and in times of joy.  When I persevere in doing good despite opposition, thy blessings on other areas of my life lets me know that thou has not forsaken me but sustains me in what I must go through.  Thou has said our trials are for our own good for building up of humility in our spirit for thou uses even sadness for our benefit.  I have learned to haste for refuge in thee and receive deliverance for thou does not tire from helping me.  Thou corrects those whom thou love and our trials refines us to acquire fruits of thy spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self control and humbleness.  Thou has plans to nurture us with thy word and power to become perfected souls someday for thy daily blessing causes me to know that thou art always near, knowing my heart and my needs.  It is  awesome that my Heavenly Father is my maker and he longs to be with us as we long to be in His loving presence.  I am sustained in gladness of His holy words and I seek thy help daily to be good and faithful servant that when I dwell forever in thy kingdom, I would be glad to say that I have been faithful unto thee in this time of all opposition and temptations of satan.  To be with thee eternally I cannot comprehend for the fullness of joy I have not known in all my earthly existence.  Help me not to forget that I am heaven bound in my struggles and my true desire to be with thee.  Let my desire be always of thy will and to love only the things that are good in thy sight.  Help me to be purified in thy correction and in my afflictions that at the end my only thoughts are of purity and of goodness.  I look unto thy word for all hope of greater happiness and I give unto thee my will and my good works for sacrifice unto thee that I may dwell with thee for all eternity.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I love thee Heavenly Father for thou art holy and almighty Father who sustains our hearts and lives in thy eternal love despite our faults and offenses against thee.  Thy words bring us blessings for thou teach us all the ways to receive goodness and prosperity thou has planned for each of thy children.  Thou has taught us thou will be our inheritance receiving all good gifts if we persevere to being a good and faithful servants to the end.  We are placed here to prove our love for thy almighty spirit who bestows everlasting love upon thy servants and makes all good things to come to pass in our life.  In this fleeting life I have committed myself to living according to thy will, obeying thy words that I can prove my love unto thee for a time and all eternity.  Thy love for me has touched my soul and caused me to dwell in blessings of thy teaching.  Thou has come to my aid and my heart is safe in thy care for thou art my first love whom I will never forsake.  All that are good and lovely in my life are given unto me by thy command and my daily blessings are credit unto thee for thy word has accomplished it.  I am determined to be faithful in following the work of Jesus Christ for I will not waver in worshiping thee, the true and all powerful God of my being and all things of heaven and earth.  Thy ways bring joy to my daily life and in living by thy standard thou has blessed my family with lasting commitment and caused our works to prosper in all good things.  My eyes are on thee and I kneel before thee upon sunrise for I need thy help to be steadfast in thy work so that I am not given into ways of satan.  My rewards are eternal and I will create and have joy under thy glorious reign.  I think on thy wonder and all thy creation that has not yet been revealed unto thy people for I am full of anticipation and gladness at thought of receiving fullness of joy in thy kingdom.
Thank you Heavenly Father for the many blessings thou has granted unto me all the days of my life.  In life's trials thy love has revealed unto me that we are each precious in thy sight.  Living away from thy presence is like living away from bliss of mother's embrace.  I am attacked in spirit from on all sides with ungodly temptations and have sunk to the pit of distress yet thou has heard my prayers for help and brought me back up unto thy grace each time.  Thou has comforted me with thy words and took my thoughts from cares of this world to remind me of thy enduring goodness that surrounds me here and much that awaits me in thy kingdom.  Thy mercy rules over me with protection, blessings, and joy in performing thy work.  Thank you for the pleasures of hobbies, beauty of thy nature, and lightness of my steps for each day brings happiness of its own along with every kind of trouble.  Thank you for my holy home and my precious children who has embraced thy word and acknowledges thy work in all good things.  Thank you for my ability to praise thy name and understanding of thy sweet words thou has given me.  Thank you for the comfort of my bed and sun rays on my window.  Thank you for pleasures of food and wonderful books, lovely paintings, and inspiring songs.  Thank you for the colors that brings about creativity, and hands that accomplishes all things.  Thank you for our freedom to choose all things for our own good and our ability to grow in mind and spirit.  Thank you for joy of humor and support of friends.  Thank you for the joy of writing and plays in the snow, and comfort of summer.  Thank you for tickles and excitement of story telling, pleasure of desserts and hearty soups. Thank you for kindness of strangers and children's joy in simple things in life.  Thank you for continuance of change and growth in our selves and ambitions in our hearts to make progress.  Thank you for pets of all kinds and allowing us to rule over the nature and partaking of its fruits.  Thank you for faithfully sustaining me with breath of life and with work that allows me to provide for my needs.  Thy mercy and hope for me are beyond my vision  and thy love stands abound beyond all understanding of human heart.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for knowing my heart and granting me blessings that I had in need of.  Thou gives good blessings for they uplift my spirit and it touches me to core of my being and causes me to know in truth that's thou art with me always.  Thou causes me to cry out in joy for my prayers are answered and I feel thy spirit loving me, telling me that thy love doesn't diminish with my troubles. Thou art always near even when I feel forsaken and thou lovest me with an everlasting love. I am reassured in thy words also and I meditate on thy word daily that my days are filled with thy leading and blessings.  A day with out thy words is like a day of gloom and longing of an aching heart.  I long to commune with thy spirit morning, noon, and night for thy spirit is my hearts desire.  Meditating upon thy word is my daily joy for I rise to seek thee and I go about my day performing all things and serving thy people in righteousness.  I get busy about performing my duty in doing good and to providing for myself.  When I read of thy word, I am almost taken into another world of perfect wisdom and understanding of temporal and spiritual things.  There is much to be learned about the things that bring cursing and blessings and thou has written all things of heaven and earth to make known to thy people to teach us of thy ways.  Thou lead us in thy teaching that we may know how to choose good and how to keep our temporal body to be pure so that we are able to invite Holy Ghost to dwell within us.  Thy book is filled with instructions on how we can live and be in order for thy blessings to rule our lives and our home.  Thou taught us to serve thee above all else and secondly to love all others as we serve ourselves.  Thou has told us that love should be above all else in our dealings with self and others.  Persevering in loving thoughts and actions toward self and others will resolve all conflict and hardened hearts for love will shine light of Christ and no darkness can dwell with love.  We know that our body is the temple made in thy holy image and we are to regard our bodies as holy and pure. I love thee Heavenly Father for in my faithful efforts to obey thee in all thy commandments to the end, I would be made whole and exalted, enjoying in thy glorious heavenly creation and in all wonders beyond my imagination.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dear Heavenly Father I thank thee for thy faithfulness in keeping thy promise to never forsake me.  In my sin thou has not condemn me of judgement but allowed consequences to suffer my heart and cause me to turn from my ways.  Thou art long suffering for even in my sin thou provides for my need and does not allow Satan to get full hold on my life.  I dwell in my misery and I call upon thy spirit but thou has not tired from hearing me nor grow intolerant to my failings in obeying thee.  Thy love for me exceeds all things in the world and I am restored of receiving thy mercy with each obedience and thanksgiving unto thee for all that I possess.  I recommit to sacrifice my will and perform thy will for me in producing fruits of thy spirit.  Thy commandment I will keep also for they preserve my life and my joy in this mortal body.  The suffering and afflictions I feel are for growth of my spirit and become benefit unto me for all eternity for it is the work of thy hand to exalt me and perfect me some day.  All suffering and oppression are in vain when they are given of Satan in our love for things of the world.  But in the service of our Father in heaven all affliction are worthy of suffering for they are for our own growth and maturity and glory unto our Father who works all things for good of our eternal well being.  I cannot comprehend all that thou has prepared for those who love thee for I cannot imagine beyond things of this world.  My eyes are on my goal to doing thy will day by day, growing little by little, coming closer to thee prayer by prayer on my knees.  I love thee and I will prove myself to thee in my covenant to obey thy commandments and I daily seek thy help to be faithful in my promise to thee.  I sought thy help also to have heart of charity for I struggle to give fully in service to thy people.  I sought thee for thy gift to be able to bless others with my words that I would have discernment to comfort and give relief to their heavy yoke.  I am renewed in spirit and conviction to perform good deeds of righteousness.  I observe thy commandments daily and set my mind to obey them and ask that I sin not against thee and that I would always desire to do thy will.  My flesh taunts me with temptation of excess in all things but thy words are always before me to remind me of thy hope to bless me in choosing righteousness.  Thy words inspire me to forsake coveting things of the world and look to fullness of joy that awaits me in completion of this life in obedience of all thy commandments. I will be faithful unto thy word through every affliction for test of trials in this life will gain unto me everlasting reward and everlasting life in thy holy and almighty presence.    

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thank you heavenly Father for thy blessings of peace and assurance of thy love in all thy works for good of thy people.  In difficult relationships and hardships of life even now thou works to nurture our spirit to be perfected in likeness of thee.  In all suffering we can find rest in thy words and feel the warmth of thy Holy Ghost in our hearts.  For a time our burdens are forgotten and cares of world are no longer my downfall.  My eyes are fixed on my Father in heaven that even in pang of my distress I know that He will deliver me into thy presence at the last day.  I anticipate seeing thy heavenly creation, seeing thy holy face, and recognize my first love whom I serve with all my mind, might, and strength.  Just the thought of thee grants me hope in all my struggles, reminds me that my sufferings are not in vain, and that thou teaches me to endure all things for our spiritual growth.  It is the hope I have in thee that thou wilt make all things right and good that I persevere in doing good in midst of evil.  Thou strengthens me with thy comforting spirit and guides me to blessed path with words of thy wisdom.  I need thee to help me to do good and to accomplish all things within me to be like unto thee and I am consumed daily in supplication for my needs.  The more I learn of thee, the greater art thy wisdom, power, and love revealed unto me.  I long to be like thee and in every act of my obedience thou art faithful to bless me and my family.  I love thee Father and help me to have thy heart to love thy people as thou lovest me. 
Heavenly Father I pray that I may be made to be moved to obey at thy every knock in my heart.  Thou has given me the gift of Holy Ghost to guide me into knowing right and wrong and thy word to teach me of thy righteous ways.  I feel as though thou has moved a mountain when thou has removed spirit of dark temper in my heart to be able to love others more deeply and faithfully.  I was very hard headed in my set ways and had half-hearted commitment to serving thy people in trying to love with likeness of thy love. It's been daily struggle in my inclination to judging others and strain in my heart to dislike others traits and in myself.  I made a great leap in shedding my sins yet I need my savior's help daily to sustain my understanding through my savior's eyes.  Thou has made known to me how to love others as I love myself and this challenge has freed me from weight of negativity and intolerance that I carried in my thoughts.  I am learning to train my thoughts to loving whom ever I meet  so that I don't preoccupy my thoughts in road to judgement  and pride.  All those whom I know are my brothers and sisters and thou are daily faithful in giving me opportunity for me to grow in my spirit.  Life is easier now that my heart is set on following thee, accepting of His words, and in my decision to grow in obedience.  Self inflicted suffering without being fully aware was brought into light when I prayed for His love to be in my heart and my Heavenly Father was faithful to grant me His wisdom in how to serve thy people.  I yearn to serve and praise thee continually now and forever in thy paradise.  I thank you Father for thy correction for thy works keeps us on right path to righteousness and to thy glorious rewards for those who obey thee.