Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Moroni chapter 8:25-26 of Book of Mormon states " and the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins; and the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God."
I am greatful for Heavenly Father's works in our hearts whereby upon our obedience unto Him, He will provide us conviction to help us be qualified to spiritually mature unto eventual perfection.  Our Almighty God is mindful of each of us and our weaknesses and longs for us to grow by obedience and receive eternal exaltation in likeness of Him.  This exaltation in words of prophet Spencer Kimbal, "can only be earned by our works such as paying tithing, living the word of wisdom, having family prayers, fasting, attending meetings, serving..." Prophet Kimbal continued to say, " He must receive the ordinances, and he must be faithful, overcoming his weaknesses."  I am greatful for our latter day prophets who speak revelations from God to gather and direct all people unto Heavenly Father's  fold and into His rest.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Iniquities of our hearts and deeds leads to bondage of all forms in our daily lives.  We may proudly and easily claim to act and talk as we deem fit in how we offend others, but consequences to sin is grievous and wearing of heart. I used to think that Christ's yoke is hard for me because it's so hard to be good to those who hurt me but then I realize my trials brought on by disobedience on my part is far more miserable than if I had simply humbled myself despite anger and sadness and gave into Heavenly Father's will.  When I am walking though fire, I feel Heavenly Father has forsaken me but then I observe how my daily life is still blessing me with pleasures, home, and provisions and I tell myself that this is only a trial and I will be happy again just as how I came through all the other trials with each mercy I have been given in Father's due time.  It seems impossible for me to rejoice in Him when my pain is so deep and prolonging, but when I think of my daily routine I remembered I have been given moments and hours when I don't feel the sting of heartbreak but given rest in spirit upon pondering His holy words.  I will endure in doing good for eternity is my reward in presence of my all powerful and loving king of heaven and earth.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Heavenly Father has raised up a wise king Benjamin in Book of Mormon to rule over His people, and as the king obeyed His words the whole nation was blessed of God.  I am grateful for all of Heavenly Father's obedient people on earth that I can be blessed by their kind words and share in the wisdom and understanding of His ways to lead and encourage me.  I am thankful for the kind service they render me for they are faithful in their commitment in following Jesus Christ.  I am wholeheartedly grateful that Heavenly Father has provided us with a latter day prophet Thomas S. Monson to lead God's people in righteous path in these end times.  Heavenly Father's love for us is same as in ancient times and He grants spirit of revelation upon His chosen leaders to help and gather all souls unto Himself.  He desires that all will come into His fold and gain eternal life and I am eternally grateful that His love endures forever.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In the name of Jesus Christ we can repent of our sins and covenant with God to keep all of His words and be saved into eternal life with Heavenly Father.  We can be delivered from never ending torment that comes with following satan, instead by gift of free will that we all possess, we can choose the infinite goodness of God and gift of His Holy Spirit to lead us in all righteous paths.  By seeking in prayer for our hearts to be changed and be humbled, we can become righteous for our Heavenly Father is our spiritual Father who holds all power and mercy to bestow blessings and grant answered prayers.  In faithfully persevering in repentance and obedience, we will be given renewed heart where we can become perfected in mind and spirit like unto our glorious Heavenly Father in heaven.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I am thankful for Heavenly Father's truth in His words for the more I learn of Him the more I know of myself and the more I love Heavenly Father.  I am strong in my mindset and carrying on in my weakness and pride but in reading of His holy words, I am given desire to be righteous and take joy in following Him.  He causes me to be blessed in doing good and changes my heart to be merciful unto others.  The sacrifice of righteous works satisfies my soul and I am content in my purpose for living in this mortal body.  I feast on His words like I feed my body with nourishment and I am sustained into another day.  Many a times I have hardened my heart against doing good to all people for their words are harsh towards me but thy spirit convicts my heart and places in me desires to bless thy people.  I am naturally wicked in my thoughts for evil judgements come upon me without effort.  But thy words nurtures me gently and patiently that even my thoughts are filled with remembrance of thy words and thy promises.  By thy words thou has created all things in heaven and earth and now thy word has caused me to be moved to do good works like unto thy begotten son Jesus Christ that we too can receive thy mighty rewards in thy kingdom.