Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thank you heavenly Father for steadfast workings of thy saints.  They bless me with their uplifting greetings, encouraging words, and testimonies of thy help in their lives in all trials and sufferings.  They take up eachother's burdens and reassure eachother the faithfulness of our heavenly Father  in all of His promises.  Our Father's plan is to train our hearts to be more like him so that we can be worthy to live in His paradise forever.  His plan is eternal and the more we work on our spirit to be wise and loving like Him, the more we are blessed while on earth and in the next life.  Thy servants sacrifice their will to be changed and grow by thy word and commandments.  They surrender to guidance of thy Holy Ghost speaking to their hearts and thou are able to intercede in our daily lives.  Thy holy work in me softens my hardened heart and give understanding to my stubborn mind.  Thou helps me to see the truth and beauty of who I am and causes me to be offended by dark and evil thoughts that attack to put me down.  I am made glad for thy servants are in training to be love for their words and actions are of goodness and kindness.  Thank you Father for my brothers and sisters in thy gospel for we are one in service of giving to this world and we are one in service in giving our hearts unto thee.  Thank you Father for giving us eachother in our efforts to doing all that thou require of us.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Heavenly Father I don't know my coming and goings and I am confused about what I should be doing and what I should say in many situations.  I feel sure about what I feel and trust it sometimes but even then I later regret my words.  Help me Lord as I strive to embrace all that is good in people and all goodness that surrounds me.  I try to do all things that seem like a good decision and I wonder if you would approve or disapprove and begin to doubt my progress.  I long to be pleasing unto thee as I pursue things in life that seem to make sense and are of wisdom.  I doubt my perception and understanding of others for I am being corrected often by their living example.  I also judge others instantly and at their first offense and my thoughts  lead me to sin against thee Father.  Help me to remember their faults are my faults and my strength are others strength also for we are all in training to be like unto thee that I do not go down with pride as satan.  Thou has given each  soul thy unmerited gifts that we can be of blessing and help unto our selves and to others but at times I get carried away in my own needs and pursuits that I become blind and insensitive to needs of thy people.  Heavenly Father help me to serve as you do, see others through your eyes and understanding through your heart.  My tendency to condemn myself also makes life seems unbearable at times.  Please remove my dark and negative tendencies and remove all that offends thee in thy sight Lord.  My ways are tiring and trying Lord even though it is my chosen ways but thou knowest me better than I know myself so let thy ways be done and let thy will be fulfilled in me over all that I may plan or desire in my heart.  I do not know all your ways in my heart even though I read of thy words Lord.  Help me to be changed and molded by your character, your wisdom, and your grace Father.  My everlasting longing is for you and to be saturated by thy holy spirit in my heart.  Change my heart Father that I may be pleasing in thy sight this day.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thank you Heavenly Father for drawing hearts of my children closer to thee and protecting them always.  Thou has spared their life and faithfully watched over them that they are not taken away fully in pressing urges of satan from every side.  Thy mercy has sustained their hearts to detest what is abominable in thy sight and grant them desire to embrace what is good and virtuous.  In their darkest hours of rebellion and temptations thou has not allowed them to fall beyond thy grace and thy kindness has sustained their joy in friendships and in their abilities to succeed.  Thou art long suffering and patient in all things and are able to change hearts and minds of all souls and bring them up in thy righteous  ways.  I love thee Father for thy ways always leads to love and goodness and thy correction leads us to humility and spiritual growth.  My sufferings are not in vain but thou uses ways of this world to make all things wonderful and glorious in thy sight.  My faults and weakness are to help me work on what is evident for me to change and overcome with thy help and I am thankful for the gentle leading of thy Holy Ghost and wisdom that leads me to safe path of everlasting life.  In my sin I can know the way back to  thee because thou corrects those whom thou loves and reveals the righteous path that I shall choose.  Through atonement of Jesus Christ I can repent of my sins and forsake sinful ways to be made right with thy spirit and I am made new and restored of thy blessings.  I love thee Father for thou has made a way for all thy people to receive thy son Jesus Christ into their hearts that we may be sustained in everlasting happiness in thy presence in next life to come.  I love you Father and I entrust unto thee all thy precious souls in thy eternal care.
Thank you Heavenly Father for this day of lightness in my heart for my yoke has been made light in expounding of thy words.  I seeked thy comfort and I asked that thy word would go forth to bless me once again morning, noon and night.  I became hastily diligent as to turn to my Father with my urgent need and waited on thee earnestly.  I looked out and listened for thy answer in helping hand or words of thy saints and also listened for the voice of thy Holy ghost as I meditated on thee.  My longing to be self sufficient in every way consumes my thoughts and my days and I rise each morning to see if thou wilt deliver me this day.  I have gained in my weakness realization that I cannot do anything significant unless thou would instill in me thy gifts and knowledge and accomplish all things in me and through me.  I cannot even think what's good for me to do unless thou would inspire such thoughts in me and guides me to the end.  I am but a child in this clay body and what I can accomplish can only be done with intercession of my Father's will in me.  I do not understand myself nor of heavenly things unless I read of thy teaching in thy book.  I cannot change my habits unless thou also grants me will and strength to enable it in me.  I inflict suffering on myself for I am weak on all sides and sow much regret and sorrow at end of day.  Nothing is constant and good in my life except for thy words that is my daily refuge and nothing comes between me and the love of my Father that I am given rest from my troubles and my hope is sustained in good things to come to pass in each new day.  My hope and strength comes from Him who sustains my life for He is my life and my heart is consumed in His ways.  I love you Heavenly Father for I choose thee as my own and thou has chosen me when thou has formed me and breathed life into my spirit and I will wait on thee with thy wisdom in my heart and good works before thee.