Friday, January 24, 2014

Thank you heavenly Father for thy blessings of peace and assurance of thy love in all thy works for good of thy people.  In difficult relationships and hardships of life even now thou works to nurture our spirit to be perfected in likeness of thee.  In all suffering we can find rest in thy words and feel the warmth of thy Holy Ghost in our hearts.  For a time our burdens are forgotten and cares of world are no longer my downfall.  My eyes are fixed on my Father in heaven that even in pang of my distress I know that He will deliver me into thy presence at the last day.  I anticipate seeing thy heavenly creation, seeing thy holy face, and recognize my first love whom I serve with all my mind, might, and strength.  Just the thought of thee grants me hope in all my struggles, reminds me that my sufferings are not in vain, and that thou teaches me to endure all things for our spiritual growth.  It is the hope I have in thee that thou wilt make all things right and good that I persevere in doing good in midst of evil.  Thou strengthens me with thy comforting spirit and guides me to blessed path with words of thy wisdom.  I need thee to help me to do good and to accomplish all things within me to be like unto thee and I am consumed daily in supplication for my needs.  The more I learn of thee, the greater art thy wisdom, power, and love revealed unto me.  I long to be like thee and in every act of my obedience thou art faithful to bless me and my family.  I love thee Father and help me to have thy heart to love thy people as thou lovest me. 

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