Sunday, September 7, 2014

How great thou art Father in heaven for through thy word all comes to pass in submission to thy command.  Many of thy beloved souls contend against thy Holy Spirit choosing to be careless and reject thy great light in our hearts.  We know not what great torment we will suffer in living away from thy presence in eternity for we are preoccupied in cares of this world and not of thy kingdom come.  Because of long hardships in this life we choose to cling to all the comforts of this world and never seek the  revelation of truth from thee for ourselves.  Many of us are idle in growing in thy spirit refusing to be nurtured by thy word and to be changed by it.  But even in that thou are to be greatly praised for we are daily sustained in thy goodness and blessings from thy hand.  Upon repentance and seeking of thy words our fallen ways are saved by thy uplifting salvation that's available to us all, all our days on this earth.  In the moment of repentance unto thee we are given new beginnings and our sins are wiped clean.  Thy open arms are out stretched to receive us back unto thy guidance for Thou are mindful of us every hour and desires to receive us back.  At times I have hardened my heart against thy warnings and thy councils in thy book and lived many years void of happiness.  But even now I can praise thy greatness for thy work in us for our weak state are not hopeless for thy love for us diminish not with time.  Each trial and each suffering in choosing to persevere in righteous path are for growth of our spirit and each day is a new day for us to start anew in seeking Thy blessings in our life again.  My sincere prayers bring about thy mercy to reign upon my heart and upon my children and I will give thee praise upon my rising and retiring of each day.

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