Monday, July 28, 2014

Thank you Heavenly Father for this miraculous day of answered prayer. Through my trial thou has taught me to depend on thy deliverance and thy help each hour of each day.  I have talked to thee all the day long as I walk, as I eat, and as I sit for my troubles are many and I have brought the cares of this world upon thy feet.  I pleaded for thy help, thy intervention, and thy will to be done unto me. Thou knows that I am weak in mind and spirit and I cannot not accomplish any good thing unless thou causes me to be qualified to perform it.  I am ignorant in things of this world yet I am confident in thy power to perform all righteousness in me and through me to bless thy people.  My love for Heavenly Father grows each day for thou art my constant companion and I take refuge in thy word daily.  I converse with thee in my mind and good thoughts come upon me to guide me and to reveal unto me the ways to lighten my yoke and my path is made smooth.  Thou art my light in all darkness in this world, understanding in confusion, and truth in lying tongues.  Thou art my joy upon thinking on thee and at the truth that I am child of the Almighty and Eternal God of heaven and earth.  My thoughts are full of thy promises upon thy servants and fullness of joy that awaits me in thy kingdom.  My eyes are on the goal of obeying thy word performing my duty unto thee for thy word have captured my love and my soul.  My hands are raised unto thee in praise, worship, and thanksgiving for I am beggar of thy provision and thy riches. My feet are directed to walk in example of thy teaching and thy righteous works.  My mind is consumed with trying of mind and body not to sin against thee.  I long to be one with thee Heavenly Father in agreement to all thy ways and I will glorify thee with my life and my works during this earthly probation that I may enter into thy kingdom according to thy mercy and thy grace.

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