Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thank you Heavenly Father for this day of deeper fellowship with thy spirit.  I came before thee in humbleness with sacrifice in my obedience to thy words in deed and service to others thus far.  I have daily asked for thy forgiveness and received thy cleansing of my soul and worked diligently in works of thy kingdom.  I longed to feel thy spirit daily so I performed the hard work of loving those who are not lovable and helping those who do not deserve kindness.  I called on thee this day confident in my good works for thee and in renewed spirit in thy forgiveness that I would be found pleasing unto thee.  I communed with thee in remembrance of thy words and reverence of thy holiness.  I came to know  the deeper understanding of thy gospel in simpleness of truth for my mind was enlightened and my heart felt the warm and penetrating conviction of thy spirit in my soul.  I was brought to knowledge that I am one with Father in cleanness of my sins washed by blood of thy son Jesus Christ and that my soul does belong unto thee who had breathed my spirit into this temporal body for purpose of thy wisdom and glory.  I felt Heavenly Fathers spirit and His assurance that my presence on this earth has great purpose in test of our obedience to thy word in thy gift of our freedom to choose between good and evil. We are to be valiant in our hearts and faith in thy word and defending thy truth all of our lives that we may reap even greater reward of receiving state of eternal happiness in thy presence.  It is too wonderful to know with promise that defending thy truth to the end will gain for us a resting place in thy care for ever and ever.  There is no sadness, boredom, nor cares of the world in thy kingdom for we will be restored of all joy and wisdom and success in all that we do.  Thou will govern thy people in righteousness and no evil will tempt us to rob us of receiving fullness of thy blessings.  What thou has prepared for us is above what we can comprehend.  It is a place where thy hand had built all things of beauty and nothing offensive dwell with thee.  I love thee  Heavenly Father for thou reward thy children generously and mercifully and grants us the best gifts in pure desires of our hearts.

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