Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thank you Heavenly Father for thy power to accomplish all good things for thy children. I have come to know that thou art always prepared to bless us and make a way for us to receive all blessings upon faith, prayer, and obedience.  Thou has answered my prayers in thy loving kindness and has prepared thy people to bless my heart and my path long before I had made my supplication unto thee for help.  Thou knows my needs and my desires before I come to know what I desire.  Thou uses thy saints to testify unto me that thy works have begun in them long ago for their hearts are set in doing thy good works and their joy in our Lord Jesus Christ is profound and steadfast.  Thou works all things and hearts of thy people to bless my soul.  There are much goodness already at work around me but I had not faith nor understanding to ask for them of thee.  Help my faith Father in Heaven for I forget that it is thy will who accomplishes all good things to come to pass and I do not hold any power to uphold anything except thou wills it in me.  Please help me to accept thy blessings that awaits me and help me to be worthy to receive thy favor.  I am helpless in all things and do not know which ways are good for me.  I am anxious in all my decisions and feel inadequate in my pursuits.  I am nothing if thou does not sustain my life and lost with out thy holy words of instruction.  I doubt in my skills for I am easily pulled away from my confidence.  I fear for my doom in every major decisions and intimidated even in doing good.  I can do no good unless thy Holy Spirit guides me and reminds me of what thou requires of me.  I cling to thee Heavenly Father for even my heart deceives me to love what is not of thee and I cannot foresee what will become of me.  I depend on thee for every need and every desire for thou art my eternal love and my Holy Father who leads His people in path of all righteousness.

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