Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thank you Heavenly Father for my daily work to help the days pass swiftly and productively.  Thank you for granting me the ability to work with my hands and the joy of being able to sing thy songs.  Thank you for the newness of each day that brings change, progress, and work that we must perform.  The work of my hands brings me blessing to my soul and my family and there is goodness in every good work.  My contemplation and meditation on thy words brings me peace and longing of my soul to be with thee forever.   I am overjoyed over thought of being in state of everlasting happiness and restored of all understanding,  knowledge, and being made whole in body and spirit.  I love the thought of being in thy presence, witnessing all that thou doest, and seeing all that thou has created in times past.  Thy other worlds and other constellations, dinasours, and thy many children from other worlds I long to know.  Witnessing things to come to pass and all things being created by going forth of thy word I long to see.  Seeing how thou has formed us in thy image and the resting place thou has prepared for us in thy kingdom I desire to know.  I long to know how there could be nothing and yet all things can be made and formed for thy glory and pleasure.  I wait for the day to see thee face to face and recognize the hand and the face of my eternal Father who had formed me and created my spirit into eternal being.  I love thee Heavenly Father for what thou has in store for me are beyond all beauty and things of this world.  It is wonderful that thy word would gather thy people here with thy power that we may partake in fullness of joy on judgement day.  Obeying thee and serving thee always leads to gladness of  heart and I am able to do all good things with gift and kowledge thou gave me to serve thy people in need.  Thank you Heavenly Father for my labors of service that is of great value and is of thy glory.

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